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New Volunteer Tour

Our Address: 16 Brent Drive, Hudson

How Clients Set Up Appointment:

To receive furniture, clients must obtain a referral from a social service agency. Clients then have 30 days to come in and select their furniture and housewares. Clients can have up to 2 visits and must take all items selected during a visit.

When Clients Come to the Store:

The goal is to shop and pack in 1 hour. The steps are:

  1. Check in

    1. verify address, phone, family members,
    2. get vehicle size & license plate (for capacity purposes & to load into correct vehicle!)
    3. provide bags for bonus extra items (small items that we recycle into a new home!)
    4. get a shopper to work with client
  2. Shopper

    1. Reviews lists with client – mattress, furniture, kitchen, linens (outdoors)

    2. Distribute Household and Linens list to assigned volunteers for them to pack.

    3. Tablet – shops for items and “check in” items for client.

      **QR and movers locate item/number in clients

      **System provides packing % based on vehicle**

  3. Household & Linens

  4. QR – appliances, lamps, artwork

  5. Movers – load beds, furniture, rugs + soft good items (#3 & #4)

Volunteer areas:

  1. Donations In-take
  2. Cleaning furniture
  3. Cataloging Inventory
  4. Sorting - Linens
  5. Shop

Questions: Email: