Someone with access to the PayPal account needs to log into the PayPal web site
Click in Activity/All Reports
Click on Activites
Click on Activity Report
Click on Activity download
Select "Balance affecting"
Select a date range for the data.
I would suggest doing this on a monthly basis and import the prior 2 months. The range doesn't matter as the system keeps track of the last transaction that it downloaded and will only import data after that date.
Select CSV format
Click on Create Report
Under Activity reports you'll see see your requested report showing a status of something like "Requested". It will change to "Download" when it completes.
Click on the Download button once it has completed.
You should find a file named Download.CSV in your Downloads folder.
Double-click on the Download.CSV file
This will cause it to open in Excel
In Excel:
Change the name of the sheet to "Download" if necessary.
File/Save As
Change the name to "PayPal"
Change the "Save as type" to "XLXS"
Click on Save
Start the Access database
Go into the Administrative Tasks tab
If you want to change the thank-you letter which will be e-mailed, click on the "Edit External Messages" button.
The interface to this is pretty clunky.
Use the Record buttons at the bottom of the screen to advance through the various messages.
The message that you want has a "messageType" of "DTY19"
Edit the text & when you're happy with it, press the "<" or ">" Record buttons to move to another record.
Press the "Import PayPal" button
You'll see a pop-up message stating how many records it imported
It will ask if you want to delete the PayPal.XLS and PayPal.CSV file. Answer yes if everything worked as expected.
The donation reports and thank-you letters will be e-mailed
In Word:
Run the mail merge and print any hardcopy thank-you letters.
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