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Selecting and Packing Linens

In this job, you will support the Personal Shopper who is working with the client. While the Shopper and the client are choosing furniture, etc., you will be selecting bed, kitchen, and bath linens for the client. You will also be packing these items up for the client.

It is our goal to provide the client with a nice selection of linens that match their tastes and satisfy their needs, however, keep in mind that we can only do the best we can. It is important to balance your client’s wishes against the overall good of all clients. Limit yourself to picking only one or two new items while filling in the rest of the client’s needs with used items. Do not take the last remaining item in multiple categories; leave some for the others. Keep in mind the client’s color and taste preferences but be ready to be flexible if their choices aren’t readily available.

Before beginning the selection process

  1. You will be given the orange Linens Wish List either directly from the Personal Shopper or from the volunteer who is handling client check-in. Review this form. Direct any questions you have about this form to the volunteer who completed the form.
  2. Familiarize yourself with the client and their family.
    1. How many adults are in the family?
    2. What are the sex and ages of their children (if they have any)?
    3. What size beds do they sleep in?
    4. What are their color preferences for bedding, kitchen, and bathroom linens?
    5. Are any vehicle restrictions noted? Can you pack in bulky boxes or do you need to be careful in your packing?
  3. Pay attention to what is marked as “yes” (wanted) versus “no” (not wanted) on the Wish List. Do not waste time and inventory giving items to clients that they have indicated they do not need.
  4. Familiarize yourself with the linens area of the store.
    1. Twin, Full, Queen, and King bedding each have their own shelving areas. In each of these areas, the sheets are on the top shelf, blankets on the second shelf, and comforters on the lower shelves.
    2. New bed pillows are lined up on a shelf or found in a box.
    3. Kitchen linens are grouped together, as are the bathroom items.
    4. Stuffed animals are kept in a bin/bag in the linens area.
  5. While reviewing the linens area, note any items that appear to be in short supply or, conversely, are in abundance. Do you see signs indicating you may give out more than the usual allotment of any items? Are there any specials, such as hand soap, that can be given out to every client?
  6. Be aware that the Shopper, at the end of their session with the client, will need to record in the web-based shopping system the quantities of specific items given to the client. You therefore need to clearly indicate on the Linens Wish List which items you gave the client and, specifically for bedding linens (sheets, blankets, and comforters), new bed pillows, and towel sets indicate the quantity given. The shopper will enter the number given of these specific items into the web-based shopping system. Any items other than bedding, pillows, and towel sets are accounted for by the Shopper entering that multiple “bag/box of misc. linens” were given to the client.
  7. Set yourself up at packing table. Co-ordinate with the volunteer scanning QR codes the color for the client’s name tags and note which cart has been reserved for this client. Make sure a cone has been placed on the cart with the client’s name tag on it. You will be packing as you shop. To avoid confusion, make sure that any boxes or bags that you cannot fit on the cart(s) are seated next to the cart and are clearly labeled with your client’s name on the appropriate color tag.

Shopping for the Linens Wish List items

  1. Select the bedding for each bed on the Linens Wish List, as requested. For each bed, the normal allotment is one set of sheets, one blanket, and one comforter. Posted signs will indicate if you can give extra linens or if there are limitations. If there are flannel sheets, these can be handed out as an additional set for the client. If possible, try to coordinate the linens for each bed. Always remember who you are shopping for. The bedding preferences of a young boy differ from that of a elderly female!
  2. Select new bed pillows for the client, if requested. Based on the availability of pillows, you may at most give one pillow per family member or, if the supply is low, you will be given a cap on how many you may provide per family.
  3. If the client has young children, select a stuffed animal for each child (if available).
  4. Select bathroom items, as requested. Each member of the family gets a towel set. When towels are in short supply, adults will be given a towel set and children will receive just a bath towel. Other bathroom items are handed out based on availability and the client’s interest in the item.
  5. Select kitchen linens, if requested. If the kitchen table size is not listed on the wish list, check with the Personal Shopper about what size and shape kitchen table the client has selected or look on the web-based shopping system to find which table the client has selected. If the shopper has not indicated kitchen colors, the kitchen linens can be chosen to match the dish set the client has chosen (dish set can also be viewed on the web-based shopping system). The size of the client’s family dictates the minimum number of placemats and/or napkins to give a client.
  6. If the client would like throw pillows or throw blankets for their home, look on the web-based shopping system to see which couch and/or upholstered chairs the client has selected and determine which colors would be best. If pillows or blankets have been staged on the couch in the showroom, pack up these loose items to go to the client.

After your shopping

  1. Make sure you have clearly indicated what you have given the client on the Linens Wish List.
    1. Did you check off everything that you gave?
    2. Did you clearly indicate the number of sheet sets, blankets, comforters, towel sets, and pillows that you handed out?
  2. Give the completed Linens Wish List to the Personal Shopper.
  3. Make sure the volunteer scanning the QR codes, who is coordinating the loading with the movers, is aware of the status of the linen items.
  4. When time permits, restock the linen shelves.

Selecting and Packing Kitchen

In this job, you will support the Personal Shopper who is working with the client. While the Shopper and the client are choosing furniture, etc., you will be selecting kitchen items. You will also be packing these items up for the client.

It is our goal to provide the client with a nice selection of items for their kitchen that satisfy their needs, however, keep in mind that we can only do the best we can. It is important to balance your client’s wishes against the overall good of all clients. Limit yourself to picking only one or two new items while filling in the rest of the client’s needs with used items. Do not take the last remaining item in multiple categories; leave some for the others. Keep in mind the client’s preferences but be ready to be flexible if their choices aren’t readily available.

Before beginning the selection process

  1. You will be given the yellow Kitchen Wish List either directly from the Personal Shopper or from the volunteer who is handling client check-in. Review this form. Direct any questions you have about this form to the volunteer who completed the form.
  2. Familiarize yourself with the client and their family.
    1. How many members are in the family? How many children?
    2. Does the family like to cook? To bake?
    3. Are any vehicle restrictions noted? Can you pack in bulky boxes or do you need to be careful in your packing?
    4. Has the family requested a kitchen starter kit (1st item on the kitchen wish list)? The client’s interest in this kit indicates they have very few items for their kitchen. If you give them a kitchen starter kit, you need not worry about the specific tools listed in the kitchen tools section found on the top of page 2.
  3. Pay attention to what is marked as “yes” (wanted) versus “no” (not wanted) on the Wish List. Do not waste time and inventory giving items to clients that they have indicated they do not need.
  4. Familiarize yourself with the kitchen area of the store. Most items are stored in the newest part (“annex”) of the store on the long metal shelving. Additional quantities, if any, are stored in the kitchen sorting area. It should be sufficient to select items from the annex unless you are looking for a particular or unique item that you think might be found in the kitchen sorting area.
  5. Be aware that the Shopper, at the end of their session with the client, will need to record in the web-based shopping system the quantities of specific items given to the client. You therefore need to clearly indicate on the Kitchen Wish List which items you gave the client and, specifically for silverware, drinking glasses, pots, and skillets indicate the quantity given. The shopper will enter the number given of these specific items into the web-based shopping system. Any items other than silverware, drinking glasses, pots, and skillets are accounted for by the Shopper entering that multiple “bag/box of misc. housewares” were given to the client.
  6. Set yourself up at packing table. Co-ordinate with the volunteer scanning QR codes the color for the client’s name tags and note which cart has been reserved for this client. Make sure a cone has been placed on the cart with the client’s name tag on it. You will be packing as you shop. To avoid confusion, make sure that any boxes or bags that you cannot fit on the cart(s) are seated next to the cart and are clearly labeled with your client’s name on the appropriate color tag.

Shopping for the Kitchen Wish List Items

Kitchen Starter Kit

  • If requested and available, provide the client with a pre-made kitchen starter kit. If a kit has not been prepared in advance of the shift and a client wishes to have one, you will need to instead pack up all of the items on the kitchen starter list that you can find.

Kitchen Table Items

  • Has the client indicated they would like extra soup bowls, mugs, serving bowls, or serving platters? Look at the client’s selected dish set in the web-based shopping system to see what color items might complement their dish set. Also note that this wish list was filled out before the client chose their dish set. Therefore, if their chosen set comes with sufficient bowls or mugs, you do not need to give them more.
  • Silverware is prepacked in bags of serving sizes of 4, 6, 8, etc. The size of your client’s family dictates the minimum serving size they should be given but remember, no different than with your own family, sometimes dishes may be dirty or company may come over. If supplies permit, any client gets a minimum of a serving for 4 and families should be given generally two times the family size.
  • Similar to silverware, the size of your client’s family dictates the minimum number of glasses they should be given.
  • Select plastic dishes and cups for the adults and/or children, as requested.

Pots & Pans

  • If supplies permit, clients are allowed 1 of each size pot (small/medium/large, if available) and skillet (small/large, if available). Extremely large pots should be given to bigger families.


  • Select a tea kettle and/or an ironing board if requested and if available

Kitchen Tools

  • If you have given the client a kitchen starter set, this list of kitchen tools should be crossed out and may be ignored as these items are in the starter kit.
  • If the client has not selected a kitchen starter kit, try and fill the client’s wish list for specific items.

Not in Starter Kit

  • Some items can be handed out based on family size (casserole dishes, food storage containers) while other items may only be 1 max per family (pie plate or muffin tin) due to generally low inventory.
  • Take advantage of any laundry baskets or garbage cans you give a client to pack items in!

After your shopping for items in the Kitchen Wish List

  1. Make sure you have clearly indicated what you have given the client on the Kitchen Wish List.
    1. Did you check off everything that you gave?
    2. Did you clearly indicate the number of silverware, drinking glasses, pots, and skillets that you handed out?
  2. Give the completed Kitchen Wish List to the Personal Shopper.
  3. Make sure the volunteer scanning the QR codes, who is coordinating the loading with the movers, is aware of the status of the kitchen items.
  4. When time permits, restock the kitchen shelves.