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How to Import Donations via PayPal
- Someone with access to the PayPal account needs to log into the PayPal web site
- Click on Reports
- Click on Activity download
- Select "Balance affecting"
- Select a date range for the data.
- I would suggest doing this on a monthly basis and import the prior 2 months. The range doesn't matter as the system keeps track of the last transaction that it downloaded and will only import data after that date.
- Select CSV format
- Click on Create Report
- Under Activity reports you'll see see your requested report showing a status of something like "Requested". It will change to "Download" when it completes.
- Click on the Download button once it has completed.
- You should find a file named Download.CSV in your Downloads folder.
- Double-click on the Download.CSV file
- This will cause it to open in Excel
- In Excel:
- Change the name of the sheet to "Download" if necessary.
- File/Save As
- Change the name to "PayPal"
- Change the "Save as type" to "XLXS"
- Click on Save
Start the Access database
Go into the Administrative Tasks tab
If you want to change the thank-you letter which will be e-mailed, click on the "Edit External Messages" button.
- The interface to this is pretty clunky.
- Use the Record buttons at the bottom of the screen to advance through the various messages.
- The message that you want has a "messageType" of "DTY19"
- Edit the text & when you're happy with it, press the "<" or ">" Record buttons to move to another record.
Press the "Import PayPal" button
- You'll see a pop-up message stating how many records it imported
- It will ask if you want to delete the PayPal.XLS and PayPal.CSV file. Answer yes if everything worked as expected.
The donation reports and thank-you letters will be e-mailed
In Word:
- Run the mail merge and print any hardcopy thank-you letters.