Store Cheat Sheet
Store Cheat Sheet
Gallant Insurance - Contact is Jeanne Mayer
W/Comp, Auto, Medical, Property & D&O
Add a driver to the truck
***In Feb we will receive notice of w/comp audit due, let Sue know***
Lorrie Stewart is our contact - text or call her if you see anything
Russ - Is the maintenance man for the buildingbuilding, but you go through Lorrie with issues
We need to move our truck for Russ, shovel by the doors, chip iceice, and check out ramp and stairs for ice
***If we are going to be closedclosed, please text Lorrie***
Every other week
$70 per visit
Make check payable to: Marli Araujo
Leave the check for Lorrie in the back mail bin at the beginning of the month
Record dates for visits on paperwork for Jenn (Accounting)
Cleaning JobsJobs: We need to do especially in the winter months
Wash Floors outside of the bathroom
Sorting area and loading dock floor during the winter
Vacuuming the carpets
Ordering Bathroom Supplies
Home Depot Pro - Bathroom supplies
Go to order history to see what we have bought
Ok, to ship to FSFB just let Lorrie know
Tax Tax-Free
Target - give phone number or name
Lowes - give phone number
Home Depot - give tax ID
Ocean State - Need paperwork
Harbor Freight - give phone number
BJs Card
Thank You lettersLetters
Donations of $250 or more from any sourcesource, including transport
Donations without an e-mail address
Any drives by a group, companycompany, etc
Trusted Tees in Hudson - Shereen
25 South St. Unit 1 Hudson
(978) 562-4405
Mattress & Bedframe Orders
Invoices print off 2 copies - 1 to go to Jenn and 1 to send to Sue for grant tracking
Lori at Serendipity
She hands out fliers to every customer,customer. checkCheck in with her to see if she needs any
Jenn Mandelbaum is our bookkeeper
Contact info - cell 508-361-6851
Info that she needs monthly:
- All deposits and what they were for with backup
- Mastercard statement when it comes in the mail
- UBS statement comes in the mail
- Credit card receipts with what the charge was for
- Let her know when all this information is ready for her
- Give her any mail relating to accounting items
Inventory Counting
Mattress and Frames – Grant
Count monthly & document the counts
Break item classes into groups and count over 3 months
Missing Items - put it into Inventory Adjustment Client as + or -
BP Dispatch
Metal or cardboard bins - call to empty
1 dayday's notice for on on-demand pick up
Cardboard - M/TH/Fr
Metal -
Trash pickup is a regularly scheduled date
Patrick Murphy 1-800 Got Junk
Carmel Movers
Jill Mazzola
1-800-287-2042 x 113
Al Hutchinson
Barry H Junk Removal
Textile Recycling - Bay State Textiles
Samantha Marino - accounts manager
Social Media
Shaye Manning Klotz
Lysa Miller
Scentinel Nose Work - Dog Training
Gail McCarthy 617-775-7968
Monday (~5pm), Wednesdays, and Sundays